Call us: (+60)5-5260 010 (IPOH HQ), (+60)3-6148 0201 (KL BRANCH)

Our Founding

Glass & Plastic Packaging Sdn. Bhd. began business operations in 1999. The founders Mr. Phan Tin Yee & Ms Phan Fon Chon are currently Joint Managing Directors. The business is both a plastics bottle manufacturer and glass bottle distributor and is based in the city of Ipoh, 200 km north of the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur. Ipoh has a population of 3 million people. The area has a strong industrial and trading tradition and was a centre of tin mining for more than 2 centuries.

G&P commenced operations with 2 blowing machines and 1 injection machine and has grown in the interval to a significant plastics bottle manufacturer in Malaysia. The factory facilities which have grown four-fold and now have over 12 injection machines ranging from 50 tons to 160 tons of injection clamping pressure. It also has over 15 blowing machines to produce quality bottles which includes sizes from 3ml eye drop bottles to pharmaceutical containers, high end cosmetics bottles up to 12 liters bottles and others plastic tools accessories products.

Our Company

Both Joint Managing Directors have jointly 40 years experience in the glass and plastics container and packaging products business in Malaysia.

The strategic goal of G&P is to continue to develop the plastics business while also putting a strong emphasis on developing the glass bottle distribution business in Malaysia.

G&P has current payroll of 50 people and recently opened a showcases outlet the heart of downtown Ipoh. Plans for developing a similar outlet in Kuala Lumpur and related national sales network are detailed below.

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